Community values, expectations, and commitments

We believe that a functioning lab community requires:

1. Prioritizing support for one another’s passion and curiosity for research and as humans.

We celebrate the passion that fuels our curiosity and desire to understand the complex relations between people and their environment. We work to conduct research that contributes to global conversations about a just and sustainable future. We treat each other with kindness and dignity at all times. We commit to supporting each other intellectually and emotionally as we pursue these challenging goals.

2. A commitment to open, respectful communication and willingness to hold ourselves and each other accountable to that commitment.

We expect clear, consistent, and effective communication. We invite feedback on new research ideas, potential additions to the lab, and building lab culture. We provide constructive, respectful feedback to our colleagues. We critique ideas, not each other. We recognize that conflicts may arise and strive to address them early and openly. We offer each other grace and understanding and recognize that our ideas may not always be perfectly articulated. We commit to maintaining an open mind and respectful stance during discussions of diverse research, perspectives, and opinions amongst lab members.

3. A foundation of trust that supports lab members' ability to take risks and adapt to changes that arise during their research.

We appreciate the fun and joy that collaborative research entails, but take individual accountability for group contributions seriously. We recognize the expertise of our colleagues as one of our strongest assets and ask for help when we are stuck. When we cannot fix the issue ourselves, we try to suggest alternative paths for our colleagues to try.

4. Recognition that relaxation and fun are critical components of successful intellectual work.

We believe it is critical to set healthy boundaries and balance the time spent researching with that spent taking care of ourselves. We recognize that people have differing work-life balance needs, trust that individuals will communicate those needs to others, and will manage their time and tasks accordingly. We expect that these needs will evolve and work to maintain an environment where lab members are able to communicate the adjustments necessary to maintain a healthy mix of personal and professional fulfillment.

5. Constant cultivation of an environment that is inclusive and respectful of all community members.

We acknowledge that each individual in this lab has a unique background, upbringing, and set of life experiences that we bring to our work. This diversity is the foundation for our creativity, but may also bias how we interpret certain information and events which should be addressed from a mindful and respectful perspective. We value mindful, respectful feedback that addresses mistakes while providing encouragement for continued learning.